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You may not copy, use or retransmit anything from or on the site without permission. Any commercial or promotional distribution, publishing or exploitation of the site or any of its content, code, data or materials thereon is strictly prohibited. You are prohibited from engaging in any conduct that interferes with the technological operation of the site or that tampers with any copyright protection applicable to the content of the site. Ignoring this policy may result in copyright, trademark or other intellectual property violations.

Our site includes protectable service marks, trademarks and trade dress owned and/or licensed by THE PABLO RAMIREZ FOUNDATION and its affiliates.  Any use of our service marks, trademarks or trade dress including, reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution, or republication, without the prior written permission of THE PABLO RAMIREZ FOUNDATION, is strictly prohibited. All trademarks not owned or exclusively licensed by THE PABLO RAMIREZ FOUNDATION and its affiliates that appear on the site are the property of their respective owners.